Welcome to Abracademo, the world’s most magical demo app. This section will help you start up and gain access to Abracademo for the first time. It covers signing in, adding new users and teams, and other basic setup requirements.
First, go to Abracademo.com and click “Sign In” at the top right and enter your credentials intothe sign in form. Password assistance can be obtained via the “Forgot your password?” link atthe bottom right of the sign in form. If you can’t locate your credentials, contact yourAbracademo account manager to reset them.
Once you’ve signed in, you’ll be taken to your Admin Dashboard.
The first thing you’ll see on the Dashboard is an overview of your organization. You’ll see the number of teams, number of total users, total Templates and total Demos. Clicking any of those metrics will take you to the management areas for those features, which we’ll cover below.
Below the org overview you’ll see some quick stats on your Templates and Teams. Each willshow the 3-5 most recently updated items in each category. You have the ability to view, edit orchange the settings of your templates as indicated by the icons to the right. You can also click through to view individual teams or manage all teams in the Teams widget to the right.
But what are these Teams and Templates?
Once you’ve signed in, you’ll be taken to your Admin Dashboard.
Abracademo is designed to support large organizations with multiple teams and products. Teams can be organized in the Team Management Page, which can be accessed from the Admin Dashboard by clicking “View All Teams” or the “Teams Count” metric.
Once on the page, you’ll see a list of teams in the organization, along with the ability to edit/delete existing teams. You can also add new teams via the “Add New Team” button at the top:
On the Template Management screen (or in the admin dashboard), you’ll see a list of your organization’s Templates. If you click "View All Templates", you'll also see their Team assignments, Publication status and options for viewing, editing and adjusting settings:
New Templates can be created by clicking the “Create Template” button at the top right. Once clicked, you’ll be asked to name the Template and assign it to the desired Teams. Only users who are members of assigned teams will be able to see the template and create customized demos from it, but we'll get to that in the next section.
After the template has been named and assigned, clicking the “Create Template” button at the top right will create the template and present you with a blank canvas on the Template Canvas Screen.